Monday, March 26, 2012

Day one trash thouroughly kicked!

Ok so I haven't completely given up in the whole running thing just put it on the side BUT I've got to do something I've been working on my eating habits in the last couple of weeks... I have a PROfit shake for breakfast with fruit (if you'd like more details on PROfit let me know I'll give you them) a salad for lunch (dressing on the side I cant give up my ranch lol) and then whatever I want for dinner (watching my portions) I'm down nine pounds as of the 8th! So I think I've got my eating habits better but I want more results (call me greedy ;)) so I started insanity AGAIN (I swear for me this program is like trying to get passed the first chapter in the book of mormon I've started it multiple times with confidence get passed the first chapter/disc and for whatever reason cant get any  further!) Lol no more! I did the fit test today and even though currently I'm curled into a ball sweaty and limp I feel good! (not so much about my numbers lol but that'll change-give me fifteen days and I'll show ya! The plan is to get up early morning and workout before work.......thats the plan ha ha. So check back frequently I want accoutability and my husband is to nice to harp on me if I dont lol SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Two weeks later.....waah waaah wahhhh :(

Ok soooo this whole running thing hasn't really gone as planned :(, I feel like a COMPLETE failure but am trying to keep the negative little demons out of my head lol.
 I ran on monday of my first post, the itinerary was 6-8 200 Meters,  I was able to accomplish 4, which considering I went from NO running to running is pretty good (I also just ran a little until exhaustion, when i say little I meant un poceto lol). Tuesday I woke up and felt GREAT!!! No pain!! And thought AWESOME :) I worked an OT day and went home, Tuesday night I started feeling a bit sore, and wheI woke up on wednsday I was in full fledged pain from head to toe lol, I wasn't to upset I knew it was a possibility, but I was supposed to be at work wednsday so then I could just do the next class then, it turned out they didn't need me at work, so due to needing a sitter etc, I didn't end up doing the class which was fine by my body. Thursday I was still sore and Friday I woke up super sick. From friday til today I have been super sick so no running for me :(. I'm trying not to get to down, it's not like I feel in perfect health and am just slacking, but I worry that everyone in the class will be so far ahead of me it'll be futile to go, and that I will lose my momentum and my motivation.
 So thats where I'm at now... I probably wont run this week, just to make sure I'm back 100%, and am thinking maybe I will just run on my own. Thanks for listening to my ramblings :)
 ~~~~~Still Chasing my sexy back -T-

Monday, January 23, 2012

New year, new me new..... runner??!!

OK, I'm starting this blog, mostly for myself... my accountability (figure if I even have one follower it'll keep me motivated ;).. If you know me personally you are probably a little shell shocked to read that I am becoming a runner lol. My moto has always been running?? no no no I only run when I'm being chased...and then I play dead ;) But in October 2010 I had a 10 pound 8.3 baby boy and the body that I was feeling pretty good about is now gone, flash forward a year I know have a 15 mo old and am tired of using the excuse "I just had a baby". I decided I wanted to get my sexy back (which amazingly enough ties in with the name of products I sale that tighten tone and detox your body ---- shameful plug but hey its my blog I'll plug if I want too ;)). How to do this I wonder? Then at work there was an email sent out about a running class...hmmm i wonder maybe I should do it "what?" my inner non sexy self says "mmmmm we dont run remember? we play dead!". Well I continued thinking about it and then talked to a couple of my co-workers or "girls" as I call them and they were doing it. And then it hit me, I could kill two birds with one stone or rather two new years resolutions with one stone...... (Getting my sexy back and I always have a resolution to try one to 3 new thinsg a month) here's my chance!!! I'm pretty excited!! And scared and nervous soooo in t minus 50 min I will be embarking on a new adventure and challenge!! Humor me will you? Lol follow me and help me keep my motivation!!!! K until next post.....